What Happens During Full Mouth Debridement, And What's The Purpose Of This Type Of Dental Cleaning?

If you haven't visited the dentist in several years and you schedule an appointment for an exam or a dental cleaning, your dentist may suggest a procedure called full mouth debridement. Full mouth debridement is an intense cleaning that removes all of the tartar that's stuck on your teeth. Tartar is made from a combination of bacteria, minerals, and food particles, and it bonds so strongly to your teeth that you can't remove it with a toothbrush.

Why Are Dental Implants So Effective As A Tooth Replacement Option?

Dental implants are a newer and more effective option for replacing teeth that are missing. Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone, providing a stable and long-lasting foundation for replacement teeth. But why are dental implants so effective, and why have they become such a popular choice for tooth replacement? Here is what you need to know: Implants Are Close to Natural Teeth The main reason for the effectiveness of dental implants is that they mimic the natural structure of a tooth.

What To Do When Switching To A New Dentist

Are you currently looking to switch to a new dentist? It could be due to insurance reasons, moving further away, or simply not feeling like your current dentist is a good fit. If this is the situation you're in, you'll definitely want to know what you should do to switch dentists the right way. Find Your New Dentist First  It's important that you find your new dentist first and make sure that everything will be fine to switch.

3 Common Myths About Root Canal You Should Not Believe

Most people rely on the Internet for information even before they seek medical or dental services. Unfortunately, the Internet may provide reliable, unreliable information, outdated data, and theories. So, before you dismiss your root canal appointment, read about the common misconceptions about this procedure and the truth about it. 1. Teeth Extraction Is Better One misconception is that even if the process is successful, the result will be temporary, and you will have to extract your tooth eventually.

What To Expect From The Dental Implant Procedure

When you decide to get a dental implant, you may wonder about the process. The procedure has many steps in order for its success. In the end, you should have an artificial tooth or bridge that looks and acts natural. If you have recently had a tooth extraction, and want to know about the implant process, keep reading for more information. The Types of Implants Dental implants come in two different types depending on the candidate.