2 Questions You May Have About Using An Oral Appliance For Your Sleep Apnea

After finding out that you have sleep apnea, you may have been looking into various treatment options that may be available to you. Along with breathing machines that you use at night that work with pressure to force air into your lungs to stop the pauses in your breathing, you may have also heard about oral appliances. Oral sleep appliances fit into your mouth much like a retainer, and it helps to keep the passageway open.

4 Reasons Investing In Cosmetic Dentistry Is A Good Choice

If you're not happy with the appearance of your teeth because they are stained, chipped, or you think they are unattractive, talk to a cosmetic dentist. Many cosmetic dentistry options can give you a more beautiful smile. You might have a hard time deciding if you should invest in cosmetic dentistry just for prettier teeth when your teeth have no other problems. Here are four reasons why cosmetic dentistry is a good investment.

A Brown Patch Around A Dental Crown: What's Causing It?

It's stating the obvious to say that spotting a brown patch on a tooth is concerning. Teeth should be white, or off-white, although some teeth may be more yellow than they should. Brown discoloration suggests advanced decay, as though the tooth's deterioration is so severe that you're in danger of losing the tooth. What can be especially puzzling is when you know that the tooth needed some attention in the past, but as far as you're concerned, those problems were solved when a dental crown was fitted to the tooth.

What To Know Before You Get Braces

Getting braces can be both an exciting and stressful time. Knowing what to expect before you get your braces put on can take some of the mystery out of the process and help you relax so you can get through your orthodontic treatment with a new and improved smile. Free Consultations Most orthodontists offer free consultations for patients who are interested in exploring their options. Your orthodontist will do a thorough examination and take X-rays during your consultation appointment to determine what orthodontic treatment you need.

A Fast but Affordable Way to Fill In a Missing Tooth

Those needing to fill in a gap in their teeth will find more options to do that than ever before. Options include implants, bridges, and dentures. Dentures remain the most convenient and least expensive way to replace a tooth but they have a reputation for taking time to complete. That may not be the case anymore, though. Read to find out more about immediate dentures. What Are Immediate Dentures? This type of denture can be complete in only one day.