
The Pain Factor And Dental Implants: What To Know

Dental procedures can cause some people to feel nervous and worry about pain. The popularity of dental implants has given hope to many needing to replace a missing tooth. Understanding what to expect in terms of pain can help relieve anxiety. During the Procedure You and your dentist will discuss pain relief prior to the implant surgery day. You can get pain relief from a numbing shot to intravenous sleep medication and everything in between.

Signs You Might Need A Root Canal Procedure

A root canal procedure involves the removal of a tooth's inner, living tissues. Usually, this is done when you have an infection in the tooth. Removing the tooth's inner tissues will put an end to the infection and allow you to keep the tooth. So, how do you know you might need a root canal? Here are the key signs to watch out for. "Pimples" and Pus Pockets on Your Gums

Being Ready For Your Root Canal Procedure

While a root canal can be among the more common types of dental procedures that are needed to save or restore a patient's teeth, there are many individuals that will simply be unaware of the types of steps that they should be taking to prepare for this procedure. Prepare Soft Foods For Your Recovery The recovery from a root canal procedure is not especially long, but a patient will likely be sore for the first couple of days after the root canal has been completed.

3 Signs You Have a Damaged Filling

You don't always notice when a filling gets damaged. If the filling cracks or a small part breaks off, then the damage isn't always immediately obvious. If the filling is in an awkward position, then you might not be able to see it to check it out. However, you do sometimes get other signs of damaged fillings. What signs should you look for? 1. Your Tooth Feels Different You can sometimes feel damage to a filling even if you can't see it.

What's A Dental Cavity Liner, And Why May Your Tooth Need One?

If a dental cavity is deep enough, it stretches through the tooth's outer enamel and inner dentin to the tooth's nerve (also called the pulp). This sharply increases the tooth's risk of experiencing an infection of the pulp. If the pulp is unable to recover from this infection, it's likely you'll need a root canal (involving the removal of your inflamed pulp). But what about when the cavity is deepening, but hasn't quite reached the pulp?