Are You Wondering If A Root Canal Is Really Necessary? It Probably Is

Many people seek to avoid root canals at all costs. It's an absurdly common procedure, yet people often have no idea why it's necessary. Yes, there are alternatives to a root canal, but you should know more about why a root canal can be necessary before you seek another solution. Sometimes Dental Fillings Aren't Enough On Their Own You may think that instead of a root canal, you can just have a routine filling.

Earliest Onset Signs of Gum Disease (And What You Can Do About Them)

Gum disease, which is more formally known as periodontitis or pyorrhea, is an inflammatory disease that affects the tissues of the gums that support and surround your teeth. Having healthy gums is a vital part of your overall oral health, so gum disease can be devastating. It can typically be prevented by proper dental care habits and regular check-ups with your dentist. In the very early stages of the disease, few symptoms may present themselves, but these will often be the first ones.