There are numerous causes of halitosis, more commonly known as bad breath. Fortunately, most of the causes of bad breath are both treatable and preventable. If you've been told your breath reeks, here are some culprits you may want to consider.
1. Eating the Wrong Food
Certain foods will stick around in the mouth and cause bad breath. These include garlic, onions, and some cheeses. You may also find strong-scented drinks like alcohol and coffee cause bad breath. Cutting them out completely will help to prevent your issue. While you may not be able to cut them out, you can always cut down. The smell will dissipate in time and you can always chew sugar-free gum, use mouthwash, or brush your teeth to get rid of the smell.
2. Forgetting About the Tongue
Poor oral hygiene is a common reason for bad breath, but there is one area in particular that causes it: the tongue.This part of the mouth is an area people mistakenly believe is free from bacteria. On the contrary, it contains a lot of it within the crevices of the taste buds.
The back of most toothbrushes have a grip part, which is designed for scrubbing the tongue clean. You should do this every time you brush your teeth to help promote a cleaner and fresher mouth. You may even want to consider investing in a scrubber specifically for cleaning your tongue. Be sure to ask a dentist, like Randolph Dental Group, about these scrubbers during your next cleaning appointment.
3. Breathing Through Your Mouth
This is a common reason for smelly breath first thing in the morning since you can't help opening your mouth when asleep. But if you continue to breathe through your mouth during the day, it reduces saliva (your mouth's natural cleaner) and causes dryness. Also, with mouth breathing, the bacteria in the air gets into your mouth and stays there. When breathing through your nose, the hairs in your nose stop the bacteria from getting past, and you get rid of them later through mucous. This can be a problem for those with blocked sinuses or sleep apnea. Some people don't even realize they are doing it unless it really causes a problem or if a doctor points it out to them.
You can stop bad breath on a daily basis, but you will need to be proactive. Focusing on the type of foods you eat may be your initial port of call, but don't forget about brushing your tongue. It's also worth thinking about how you breathe and taking steps to stop mouth breathing.