Bicycle accidents are a common occurrence in childhood that can also often lead to broken teeth. There are different treatment options in cosmetic and family dentistry at clinics like Edgewood Dental depending on the severity of the break and your child's age. If the broken tooth was a baby tooth, then it's likely the dentist will advise you to wait for the adult tooth to grow. For older children, there are a few different options dependent on whether the jawbone is still developing.
In some scenarios, it's possible to save the natural tooth using a process called replantation. This requires you to find the broken segment of tooth, which might be difficult if the bicycle accident happened in a muddy area or in a lot of gravel. If you can find the tooth, gently pick it up by the thickest part and rinse any dirt off with water. If the whole tooth broke out, you should try to push the tooth back into its socket for safe keeping until you can get to an emergency dental appointment.
The dentist will attempt to reattach a partially broken off piece to the remaining natural tooth. Fully broken teeth can be held into the socket using a splint until the roots regrow to take hold within the jaw bone. If the root was too damaged during the breaking off process, the dentist may require a root canal ahead of the splint.
Artificial Correction
If you can't find the section of tooth that broke off, a dental crown could provide the fix. A dental crown involves bonding a composite material over the existing tooth as an artificial cap.
When your child loses the entire tooth and can't find the tooth, the treatment options depend on age. If your child has all of his or her permanent teeth but is still young enough that the jawbone is developing, your dentist might recommend a bridge. This involves suspending a fake tooth between two crowns that will bond to neighboring healthy teeth.
If your child is an older teenager, a dental implant could become a replacement option. Dental implants involve fusing a metal root structure to the jawbone. An artificial tooth is then snapped into place over that root. Implants look like natural teeth but can feel different when chewing or holding the mouth shut. Ultimately, the dentist will only perform a dental implant if its clear that the jawbone has stopped developing.